Welcome from the Course Director

Welcome to this course in Life & Health Coaching designed specifically for NHS staff and teachers. One of the main reasons for this is we are seeing an unprecedented volume of NHS staff and teachers looking to start a new life and career, helping others and continuing to help others using their valuable and transferable skills.

This course offers full certification Practitioner level qualifications in NLP, life coaching, clinical hypnotherapy, health coaching, EFT, with bonus modules in behavioural science.

To ensure you utilise your transferable skills and get the best results possible with your clients I have included multi-practitioner training certification within this course, giving you "the complete behavioural change coach toolkit'

We have this course fully accredited with ACCPH. Accredited counsellors, coaches, psychotherapists and hypnotherapists. This means you can buy insurance and practice NLP professionally once you have completed the course and been awarded your level 5 diploma.

Level 5 Diploma

Accredited counsellors, coaches, psychotherapists and hypnotherapists.

If you are a teacher or work for the NHS, looking to get out of the rat race and achieve more meaning, purpose, control and balance in your life and work professionally helping others, then this course is for you.

There is a close crossover between your home life and work life and with the skills learned on this Life Coaching Practitioner Course you will enhance both as they both influence each other.

All our courses are aimed at the professional student either full or part time with between 6 months and a year dedicated to learning their new craft and entering the industry as a practising professional NLP life and business coach.

Today it is acknowledged that NLP is one of the most powerful personal and professional development strategies available. It is commonly used in business to reinforce sales and service models, and privately as a coaching tool in the therapeutic, change and life coaching arenas. This course looks at both.

Our online life coach Certification has been designed to give you an in-depth and comprehensive learning experience of the tools and strategies of life coaching and neurolinguistic programming so you can experience how NLP can help make positive and rapid changes in your own life and at work.

We have used a powerful combination of audio, video, self-study, personal assignments and an extensive reading list so you can complete our program in your own time at your own pace. You will experience very quickly as you work through the course, how simple, effective, meaningful and lasting change can be.

Our ethos and core beliefs are based upon the fact that every individual can achieve unlimited success in their life, unlocking their full potential and ultimately getting the life they want.

All our courses work on the principle that individual success comes down to the right balance of focus, control, confidence, competence and taking action.

NLP will teach you how to be emotionally well, mentally creative, physically vital, spiritually aware, happy in your relationships, and how to achieve your goals.


We have ensured you will get the most from this online program by catering for all learning needs and styles. To ensure we get this right, we have included reading exercises, audio, video clips, video technique demonstrations and access to our NLP Practitioner manuals used on our certified courses.

We offer you full email tutor support so for any questions or queries please email us at info@thenlpcoachingcompany.com.

I have included everything i know in this course and I'm now sharing all that knowledge with you. I have held nothing back. You will come across an NLP term called modelling. You will learn to realise it means replicating excellence.

By following the teachings this course gives you, you will have the secrets and top tips I have used over the last 20 years as one of the UK's leading NLP coaches.

I have worked with world-champion sportsmen, West End stars, government advisors, politicians, the CEOs of some of the world's largest companies and the one thing i have found to be true with all of them is that they all run the same programmes, face the same challenges and are coached successfully by the same techniques: the techniques i am sharing with you on this course.

The best advice I can give you at this early stage is to be confident and take your time in getting the most out of the course you can. Don't let fear hold you back or in a job you no longer enjoy.

You are entering a wonderful industry where you will witness such change in human beings you won't believe it possible.

I have seen the leading West End star, who cried that he would never perform again, get back on stage at the Palladium and give the performance of his life.

i have worked with a girl who had been blind for six months and who medical professionals were unable to help with their non-organic hypothesis. Following an NLP breakthrough session, she regained 90% of her sight.

I have seen the young chap who couldn't fly, although his job depended on it. Following an NLP session, I got him onto a plane. However, this was no ordinary flight – it was filmed live on national television.

NLP proves time and time again nothing is impossible and everything is possible.

For me, the most exciting part of my NLP journey was this bit now that you are entering. The beginning. I gave up a job as a director at Barclays Bank to become a life coach and NLP Practitioner and never looked back. I know you will feel the same.

I hope you will love every minute of this wonderful journey and like me never look back.

Will Carling taught me many years ago, success is 90% confidence. I believe he was right. That was my first experience of how we can use the mind to achieve unprecedented and unlimited personal and professional success.

We have used the following symbols to guide you through the programme so that you know what to do and when to do it all in your own time.

To ensure all our courses offer our students the highest level of proficiency, knowledge and competence we ensure we follow the standards laid down within the UK's National Occupational Standards model. From this we have a range of core competencies that are consistent across all our courses and are as follows:

  1. Core knowledge
  2. Clinical application
  3. Continuing Professional Development
  4. Compliance, Governance and Risk
  5. CAM Marketplace
  6. National Occupational Standards
  7. Client Satisfaction
  8. Ongoing Supervision

Good luck and enjoy the course

Mark Shields Course Director

Course Study Guide.pdf
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